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Salt Paper Letters

How can we make full use of  the Salt Paper Letters?

These cards can be easily made using:

coloured paper


marker pen/felt tip pen


How can you use these cards:

1) Letter treasure hunt in the garden, around the house, in the school.

2) You can teach children the sounds of the letters using the three period lesson. I have done a demonstration of the three period lesson on my youtube channel:

3) You can make two sets of these sensory cards. You can use the two sets to play a memory game, fetching from a distance game and pairing exercise.

4)You can get your child to trace the Salt Paper Letters and then practise tracing the letters on a sensory tray with sand, lentils etc. You can also get them to write the letters traced on a chalkboard or use various writing implements and write it on a piece of paper.

5)You can make a clothes line in the house at the height of the  child and it can be used to peg the letters. Make the sound of a letter and ask the child to fetch the letter and peg it on the line.

6) You can cover the letters under different objects and ask children to go and look for the letter under the carpet, rug, jug etc and then encourage them to sound the letter that they have found.

7)You can make the child's name using the letters, make labels for names of objects learnt and match the cards to the beginning, medial and ending sounds of objects.

8)You can make a variation of these cards with sand, flour, tea leaves, ground coffee, lentils, sparkles etc.

9) You can make multiple sets and use them for word building or spelling.

10)You can use these letters to categorise letters into groups such as tall letters, letters with a tail and letters that are round.

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